Compulsory School Age: Happens to Jasmine, who experiences Fountain of Youth syndrome for one episode.Chain of Deals: "It's the Great Pumpkin, Juniper Lee".Lampshaded when the zookeeper tells him to stop. Captivity Harmonica: Played by the koala in "The Great Escape".Blessed with Suck: As the Te Xuan Ze, June is physically incapable of leaving her hometown.By contrast, adult male sasquatches are incredibly dim (if harmless). Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Lila is a smart, young girl sasquatch.Bilingual Bonus: Auntie Roo's flying fish and Ophelia in There's No Mitzvah Like Snow Mitzvah.Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever:This happens quite frequently on the show.Annoying Younger Sibling: Ray-Ray, and how.Alpha Bitch: Melissa O'Malley, the school diva.June manages to convince the tourist that the chase, bombardment and sinking of their ship is part of the tour. All Part of the Show: In It Takes A Pillage June, Ray Ray and Monroe hijack a tour boat to chase after their viking possessed friends.Affably Evil: WAY more frequent than you can imagine.Abusive Parents: Monroe's father Williams, especially during the Easter episode.Tropes used in The Life and Times of Juniper Lee include: